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A Vegan-loving Vice-Prez and a Vegan Hospital
Big news for the vegan community and the world! At Tacotarian restaurant last week, Vice-president Kamala Harris revealed she's been "dabbling in veganism.... I love cheeseburgers from time to time, I just do. But [we must also consider] what we do in terms of...
Yoga Goes Vegan: Virtual Retreat March 20
March 20 has been “Meatout Day” since 1976, and the Integral Yoga Institute of New York will mark its 45th anniversary by declaring March 20, 2021, the day that Yoga Goes Vegan. Ahimsa, dynamic harmlessness, is a vital part of the Yoga tradition and Integral Yoga has...
Ornish Diet Ranked #1
U.S. News & World Report recently ranked 39 diets based on input from a panel of health experts and declared The Ornish Diet #1 in healthy heart diets and #9 for best diet overall! The Ornish Diet was created in 1977 by Dr. Dean Ornish who noted: "Swami...
Compassion Toward All: Moving Toward a Plant Based Diet
For most of human history it’s been “normal” to eat non-human animals. This is now changing. We are awakening to the massive suffering of the billions of animals killed each day for food, the horrors of the animal-food industry, and the impact it has on climate change...
Yoga Takes Care of Body and Mind
In the name of Yoga our goal is to keep the mind peaceful and food not only plays an important part in the health of the body, but it plays a very important part in the condition of the mind. So, you have to be very careful about what you are eating. To understand...
Dr. Dean Ornish Featured in Amazon Prime Video Series
Dean Ornish, MD—lifestyle medicine doctor and Integral Yogi, is featured in the new Amazon show "Love, Gianna." In this new series, actress Gianna Simone explores the benefits of Veganism as she interviews world-renowned doctors and experts in the field of plant-based...
The Spirit of Ahimsa: Creating a More Loving World
Many people are concerned about the violence in our society and about the threat that violence poses to the very existence of our planet. Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that means non-violence. Following ahimsa doesn’t simply mean not killing. We cannot live without...
Conversion of the Carnivore: Becoming a Vegetarian (or Vegan) is More Than Just a Food Choice
One the most furious debates we can witness on social media is between the vegetarians and vegans versus the meat-eaters. Of all the issues facing the world currently, this conversation can drive such strife on both sides. Recently, I read a post from a friend on...
A Yogic or Sattvic Diet
To fully understand Swami Satchidananda’s teachings on the relationship between Yoga and diet, specifically, the psychological and spiritual benefits of a vegetarian/vegan diet, it’s important to know something about the three gunas, or the qualities of nature. The...
The Yoga Way: Food for Body, Mind & Spirit
Recently, Integral Yoga teacher Carole Kalyani Baral was interviewed on Unity Online Radio's "Main Street Vegan" program by its host Victoria Moran. In this excerpt from the show, Kalyani talks about her Integral Yoga journey, becoming a vegetarian (and, later,...