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The Health Benefits of Yoga with the Yoga MD

In this inspiring and informative video, Integral Yoga's renowned Yoga MD, Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan, gives an overview of the health benefits of Yoga. She goes through each of the body's physiological systems to highlight these benefits. Citing the latest research,...

Living Medicine

Affectionately known around the world as the “Mother of Holistic Medicine,” Dr. Gladys Taylor McGarey is a medical pioneer and visionary. Born to medical missionary parents in the jungles of India a century ago, in a place and time that filled her childhood...

The Vegan Athlete’s Nutrition Handbook: The Essential Guide for Plant-Based Performance

Using the latest research in sports nutrition, The Vegan Athlete’s Nutrition Handbook: The Essential Guide for Plant-Based Performance by Nichole Dandrea-Russert, MS, RDN, helps athletes maximize their performance, expedite recovery, and optimize their health through...

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Is There An Enlightenment Drug?

Is There An Enlightenment Drug?

Timothy Leary was more or less the originator of the psychedelic drug movement. When he met me in the late 1960s, he asked if I’d like to try some LSD. So I asked him, “Since you think that your LSD can create yogis, why don’t you create some other drugs that can...

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Yoga for Wellness

Yoga for Wellness

There is a beautiful biblical saying: “Seek the kingdom of God first and all the rest will be added unto you.” Whether you want it or not, it will come. Health, wealth, friends, money and fame will just come to you. They are the by-products of the most important...

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Yoga Brings Us Back to Our Nature

Yoga Brings Us Back to Our Nature

We all want to become healthy, both mentally and physically, but somehow there are a lot of toxins in our bodies and minds. The more we clean the mind, the more we bring out the true light within. I can compare what happens in the oil industry to what happens within...

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Our Lungs Hold Our Grief

Our Lungs Hold Our Grief

Have you heard the saying, “our tissues hold our issues”? Our bodies remember each fall we took as a child, each scraped knee, each angry word hurled at us, each trauma and abuse that we endured, as well as each loving embrace and joyous occasion. In acupuncture and...

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Nothing Can Influence You, Including Your Influenza

Nothing Can Influence You, Including Your Influenza

You have to be strong to face things. Going into seclusion, or into a protected environment, helps you  make yourself strong. You don’t need to be afraid of this always. Once you build up physical and mental stamina you don’t have to be afraid of anything. Nothing can...

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Dr. Pranayama to the Rescue!

Dr. Pranayama to the Rescue!

Over many years, Swami Satchidananda made recommendations for keeping our bodies strong, our minds calm, and our hearts open, which all apply especially in this age of the Coronavirus or what I like to call: the “Karuna”-virus. Karuna is the Sanskrit for “compassion.”...

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Don’t Let Fear Come into Your Heart

Don’t Let Fear Come into Your Heart

In this short video, Swami Satchidananda addresses the fear expressed during another health crisis—AIDS. He said that no matter what the disease or condition we face, "The fear of the disease is worse than the disease itself. Many people lose their life because of the...

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Fear Kills Us More

Fear Kills Us More

When your body is sick it needs the help of a strong mind to repair it. Your fear worsens the situation; fear makes the body weaker. Fear is not in the body. Fear is in your mind. When you don’t accept what is happening in the body, and when you identify yourself as...

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