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Let the Light Within You Be Revealed
We say that a person is a good person if they have good thoughts and ideas—the kind that will bring benefit to humanity. We say a person is not good if the thoughts in their mind are selfish and are of a bad quality. A person may look very beautiful or handsome and...
The Funny Story of How I Became a Yogi
When author/publisher Benjamin Darling contacted Integral Yoga Media to request permission to include a quote from Swami Satchidananda in his upcoming book, Everything I Need to Know I Learned From My Yoga Teacher, we were intrigued. And intrigued not only about what...
Deepening Your Hatha Yoga Practice
With his unique humor and enormous depth of wisdom, Swami Asokananda is a master in presenting the great teachings of Yoga in ways that are deeply relevant to key issues in modern life. In this article, he shares the benefit of his experience from his personal journey...
Race and Equity in Yoga: Disruption As a Practice
The Integral Yoga Institute of New York will host the series, "Race and Equity in Yoga: Disruption As a Practice" with Kelley Palmer online from February 24, 2021 – March 5, 2021. This program will help participants get clear on their role in dismantling white...
Movement of Prana & the Six Qualities to Cultivate in Sadhana – IY eMagazine 232
Yoga Goes Vegan: Virtual Retreat March 20
March 20 has been “Meatout Day” since 1976, and the Integral Yoga Institute of New York will mark its 45th anniversary by declaring March 20, 2021, the day that Yoga Goes Vegan. Ahimsa, dynamic harmlessness, is a vital part of the Yoga tradition and Integral Yoga has...
Do We See Reality As It Is?
In this Ted talk, cognitive scientist and author Donald Hoffman is trying to answer a big question: Do we experience the world as it really is ... or as we need it to be? Hoffman studies consciousness, visual perception and evolutionary psychology using mathematical...
Satya: Living Truthfully, Living Your Authentic Life
Truthfulness is something lauded by most wisdom paths but what does it really mean to be living truthfully—in one’s life, relationships, and in following your bliss? The "Two Old Fogey Yogis" explore the many aspects and layers of satya, including living as...
BOOK: Being Ram Dass
Set against a backdrop of nine decades of sweeping cultural change, Being Ram Dass shares this modern day luminary’s journey from psychologist to renegade Harvard psychedelics researcher to beloved spiritual icon. Perhaps no other teacher has sparked the fires of as...
Narada Burton Greene: From Bomb To Balm
In December 2020, pianist Narada Burton Greene was interviewed by All About Jazz, a web site produced by jazz advocates, jazz professionals, and web technicians. This article is an excerpt from that in-depth article that traces Greene's history and evolution as one of...