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Breath, Body and Brain Aligned

While Sri Patanjali and other classical Yoga sources have known this for several thousand years, recent medical research highlights the profound connection between breath, body, and mind, emphasizing breathwork as a tool for emotional regulation and stress relief....

Integral Yoga Etsy Shop + Raffle!

  From inspiring art to spiritual gifts, the Integral Yoga Etsy Shop features unique items that embody the inspiration and joy of Yoga. To celebrate our 2025 launch, we’re offering the first 25 customers who make a purchase by January 11th automatic entry into a...

Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 12: Sacred Discipline Continues

In our last installment, Ramaswamy (Swami Satchidananda’s birth name) realized that the next step in deepening his spiritual practices would be to travel sixty miles from his birthplace of Chettipalayam to the ashram of the family Guru, Sri Sadhu Swamigal, in Palani....
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BOOK: “Woodstock – A Spiritual Moment in Time”

BOOK: “Woodstock – A Spiritual Moment in Time”

In this latest book from Woodstock Festival photographer Elliott Landy, Woodstock: A Spiritual Moment in Time, is the first of a series of personal short books featuring Landy's photographs, both the well known, music related ones from the Sixties and other genres of...

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Egyptian Dreams: 9 Day Cairo & Nile Cruise Vacation

Egyptian Dreams: 9 Day Cairo & Nile Cruise Vacation

Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville is hosting Egyptian Dreams: 9 Day Cairo & Nile Cruise Vacation from February 7 – 15, 2023. Egypt, home to one of humanity’s greatest ancient civilizations with its divine Pharaohs and pantheon of deities, is ready to show you its...

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Navaratri Pujas!

Navaratri Pujas!

Navaratri is one of the most revered annual Hindu festivals observed in the honor of the Divine Mother, Devi, the Goddess. It spans over nine nights and a10th day (known as Vijayadasami). Navaratri began on September 26 and ends on October 5th, 2022. Satchidananda...

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“Mission: JOY” – Documentary

“Mission: JOY” – Documentary

“ Mission: JOY ” is the moving and charming documentary about the friendship between Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu and their secrets of finding joy in troubled times. These unlikely friends impart lessons gleaned from lived experience, ancient traditions, and the latest...

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The Yoga of Gardening

The Yoga of Gardening

I dropped the corn seeds in the furrow and wondered if they would grow. In the dark earth they glowed like citrine quartz; it seemed improbable that in two months the tiny dry seeds would grow into plants that would stand above my head. Many gardeners told me growing...

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The Senses as a Pathway to Self-Mastery

The Senses as a Pathway to Self-Mastery

We should all remember that a main aim of Yoga practice is self-mastery. When we follow the Yoga precepts and practices this leads to more self-mastery—the body and mind become more relaxed and sattvic so we can more easily recognize and abide in our True Nature....

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How to Practice Loving-Kindness

How to Practice Loving-Kindness

Loving-kindness is probably known to many as the Buddhist practice of metta, The formal practice of metta begins beautifully, by directing kindness toward ourselves or to someone to whom we can easily feel goodwill. Once we take a moment to actually feel that energy...

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The Origin Story of Integral Yoga Japan (Hiroshima)

The Origin Story of Integral Yoga Japan (Hiroshima)

I’d like to share with you the story of how I decided to start Integral Yoga Japan in Hiroshima. There was a lady in Japan who was undergoing a lot of physical and mental challenges. She wrote to Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville to ask for help and guidance. Swami...

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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Online Study Group

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Online Study Group

Join us as we explore the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali through Sri Swami Satchidananda's translation and commentary! Tune in to Facebook every Tuesday beginning September 13, 2022 at 10 am (Eastern) as we study each sutra slowly and carefully, broadening our attitudes and...

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