NEW in the Integral Yoga Etsy Shop!

NEW in the Integral Yoga Etsy Shop!

Looking for some inspiration? The Integral Yoga Etsy Shop has you covered! Our new "Inspiring Quotes" collection offers timeless wisdom for daily life with these simple yet beautiful t-shirt designs featuring Yoga's wisdom. Explore all of our Integral Yoga-inspired...

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The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

My father would have been in a coffin when I was 16 years-old had he not noticed subtle changes in his breathing and the way that he felt while running on a treadmill at the gym. My father was an avid runner, and a wonderful example of one who takes care of their...

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The Sound of Yoga

The Sound of Yoga

High summer rang loud on garlic harvest day. I stuck my pitchfork into the soil as sun spilled down the hill and into the veggie garden. Goldfinches twittered as they climbed the swaying sunflowers. Warm and sweet air rose from the earth. Leaving the pitchfork speared...

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Guru Poornima July 2022

Guru Poornima July 2022

The annual Guru Poornima celebration is being hosted by Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville on July 9 – 10, 2022. The program will be both in-person (limited space, health protocols and registration required) and it will also be streamed. For in-person details and the...

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The Shrines of Yogaville

The Shrines of Yogaville

Enjoy this beautiful overview of the shrines of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville. The Ashram will begin a soft-reopen September 8, 2021, the birth anniversary of H. H. Sri Swami Sivananda, the Guru of Sri Swami Satchidananda. The video includes the three main shrines:...

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In 1961, the great writer Aldous Huxley (Brave New World, The Perennial Philosophy, The Doors of Perception, Island) was interviewed in London. This beautiful video includes the audio from that interview during which Huxley describes the "Dancing Shiva" image...

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