BOOK: The Guru Within

In this new book, The Guru Within, from Integral Yoga Publications the classical tradition of the Guru-disciple is explored. Additionally, the book discusses another important aspect of this subject: Guru Tattva, the Guru Principle. Throughout history there have...

BOOK: “Yoga Radicals”

Yoga Radicals (Singing Dragon/Jessica Kingsley Publishers) is a new book consisting of curated interviews with Yoga pioneers including Gail Parker, Heather Mason, Neil Pearson, and Integral Yoga Minister Rev. Jivana Heyman (founder of Accessible Yoga), among others....

Books by Swami Satchidananda: New German and Tamil Translations!

Integral Yoga Publications is pleased to announce the release of books by Swami Satchidananda in German and Tamil languages. To Know Your Self (German), Apostle of Peace (Tamil), and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Tamil) are now available and join over 30 titles in a...