Yoga Radicals (Singing Dragon/Jessica Kingsley Publishers) is a new book consisting of curated interviews with Yoga pioneers including Gail Parker, Heather Mason, Neil Pearson, and Integral Yoga Minister Rev. Jivana Heyman (founder of Accessible Yoga), among others. The book shows the transformational benefits of personal Yoga practice and uncovers a collective deepening, resulting from accumulated practice and conscious application at scale. These interviews were collected with the ‘presencing approach’, used by the author in the dialogue and the interview process itself.

The Yoga narratives that form the heart of the book are inspirational stories from elders who have created transformational change in their own lives, or incorporated Yoga into a bigger vision to benefit society and the planet. The book also presents a toolkit of actionable steps for readers to create social action and/or change. A unique example of moving from the ‘me’ consciousness to the ‘we’ consciousness, Yoga Radicals invites readers to join pioneers on a path of social action through personal transformation.

Available from Singing Dragon, Amazon and all other booksellers.