Booklet: “Hymn of the 108 Holy Names”

Booklet: “Hymn of the 108 Holy Names”

Reciting praises of 108 or even 1000 Holy Names dedicated to God or great sages is a time-honored tradition. Each and every manifestation of Brahman is thus given a series of Holy Names. This garland of 108 Holy Names, compiled and translated by Swami Yogananda...

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The Jnana Yoga of Adi Shankara

The Jnana Yoga of Adi Shankara

Sri Adi Shankara is considered to have shaped the Hindu religion for the 1200 years following his disappearance from the world at age 32 in the early part of the ninth century. Having brought forth the advaita philosophy in its fully systematized and polished form, he...

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