Ancient sages inform us that breath is the mirror of our ever flowing emotions. It reflects the way we each perceive and process external stimuli, and how we position our consciousness in relation to it. Because breathing is so intimately interwoven with our mental...
Music of the Universe: Our Relationship with Sacred Sound
Everything begins with a seed. The ancient scriptures describe this seed, or bija, as sonic in origin. They paint mystical pictures of a primordial sound from which the entire cosmos sprang. They describe planets, stars and galaxies as being magically strung together...
How Yogis Succeed in Relationships According to the Bhagavad Gita
When we allow love to transform us through Yoga, the first thing it begins to affect is our vision and thus our relationships. In this article, Catherine Schweig reflects on the ingredients needed for success in relationships. Essentially, Yoga is a practice of the...
Savasana: A Passage to Immortality
At the heart of life’s most seductive, unsolved mysteries we find death—that dizzying prospect that our existence is but a flicker upon the landscape of eternity. Or is it? Humans have resisted accepting their own mortality since antiquity, when attitudes toward dying...
Featured Asana
For many sacred traditions, enlightenment occurs under the shelter of a grand tree. Entire revealed scriptures poured effortlessly from the lips of saints who made their homes beneath trees. Single banyans that stretch for miles and live for centuries have provoked...