Hatha Teaching of the Month: Sthira Sukham Asanam

In The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book II: sutra 46, Sri Patanjali describes asana as having two components: sthira—steady, sukham—comfortable. Swami Satchidananda’s commentary on this sutra tells us that “We need the strength of steel, but with steel’s flexibility.”...

To Shoulder Stand or Not to Shoulder Stand: That is the Question!

Over the past years, an asana controversy arose in the Yoga world concerning the shoulder stand (sarvangasana). How does this pose affect the health of the cervical spine, and is it safe for everyone, particularly beginners? Of course, we Integral Yoga teachers know...

Yoga and Aging Gracefully: A Journey

A few years ago, as I approached my 68th birthday, I begin typing words to describe what it feels like to age with Yoga as my support system. You see, I now have been practicing the art of Yoga for over five decades. It has always been the backdrop of virtually every...