Integral Psychology of Yoga

Introduction The art and science of Yoga, one of the greatest treasures of India’s unique cultural heritage, has much to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Yoga treats the human being as a multi-layered conscious being, possessing three bodies...

Hatha Yoga: The Sadhana of Kali Yuga and Hatha’s Texts

The sages advised that since, in Kali Yuga, humankind is preoccupied with the body, an important sadhana or spiritual practice for this age is Hatha Yoga—the science of achieving higher consciousness through the disciplines of body and breath. In this article, the...

Understanding Yogic Concepts of Health and Disease

Introduction Yoga is a spiritual science for the integrated and holistic development of our physical, mental and moral-spiritual aspects of being. The philosophy of Yoga is practical and applicable in our day-to-day living. Yoga has been documented to normalise...

Are We Practicing Yoga Therapy Or Yogopathy?

In this article on Yoga therapy, Dr. Ananda discusses the state of Yoga therapy as it moves into the mainstream of complementary medicine. He expresses the concern that modern Yoga therapy could fall prey to losing the real essence of Yoga. He cautions that if Yoga...

What Yoga Has to Say About Health

Yoga is the original mind-body medicine that has enabled individuals to attain and maintain sukha sthanam, a dynamic sense of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The Bhagavad Gita defines Yoga as samatvam, meaning thereby that Yoga is equanimity at all levels,...