Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville Extends Temporary Closure to 2021

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Rev. Siva Moore, Executive Director of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville,  announced on August 18, 2020, that a decision had been made by the administration to continue the temporary closure of the Ashram until 2021. Meanwhile, the Ashram will continue to focus its efforts on further developing Yogaville Online, which provides daily Yoga classes, satsangs, Clergy-on-Call, workshops, and teacher trainings. Read Rev. Siva’s full message below.





Hari Om! Greetings of Peace and Love,

We appreciate all of your heartfelt support for us at the Ashram and our shared mission to practice and live the Integral Yoga teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda. Our prayers go out to you and all the world during this time of challenge, grief, and transformation. Our sincere prayer is for everyone to experience health, peace, and freedom from suffering.

Here at the Ashram, we have decided to continue the temporary closure of onsite activities into 2021 and to focus our efforts on our online offerings.

In coming to this decision, we considered many different scenarios for reopening. In the final analysis, we were guided to remain temporarily closed by our core values and deep concern for the well-being of all. We will continue to carefully consider how to safely reopen our physical location in the coming year in a way of true service to all of our guests, staff, and residents.

We are profoundly grateful for the connections we have been able to form online through Clergy on Call, Satsangs, Hatha Yoga classes, online programs, and teacher training programs. We look forward to offering more online this fall, including a 200-hour Basic Teacher Training. Through practice and study, we can carry out our intention to move deeper inside, to experience Supreme Peace and Joy, and to share that Peace and Joy with one and all.

If you have registered for an in-person program or guest stay this year, please contact our Ashram Reservation Center at [email protected] or 855.752.0437 to credit your account and reschedule your visit. For those comfortably able to do so, we welcome financial offerings to help the Ashram through this time and to continue its service in the world. We appreciate all of your prayers and support with our whole hearts.

The moment you understand yourself as the true Self, you find such peace and bliss that the impressions of the petty enjoyments you experienced before become as ordinary specks of light in front of the brilliant sun.”    —Sri Swami Satchidananda

Om Shanthi,
Rev. Siva Moore
Executive Director, Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville

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