Join Integral Yoga Master Teacher Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500 for “Meditation for Self-Mastery” — a deep dive into the many benefits derived from cultivating a regular meditation practice. The program will take place from April 12 – 14, 2024 in the conducive and supportive setting of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Central Virginia.

Our whole experience of life is based on the condition of the mind, how we perceive and respond to situations. Meditation enables us to understand and gain mastery over our minds,
and thus transform our lives. Meditation is practical. It makes the mind stronger, clearer, and calmer. This leads to greater harmony in our relationships, efficiency in our work, and inner balance as we move through life. Because of the mind-body connection, our physical health improves as well.

Meditation is also profound. Through regular practice, we ultimately transcend the mind and realize our true nature, a state of supreme peace and joy—free of all sorrow, fear, suffering,
and delusion. This is the goal of Yoga.

Topics covered will include:
  • Meditation Theory
  • Principal Techniques
  • Maintaining a Practice
  • Dealing with Obstacles
  • Going Deeper

Join us for this experiential immersion and discover how to make meditation an integral part of your life for greater health, happiness, and fulfillment. Dive deep and gain greater insight into the power of meditation and your spiritual journey. More information and registration here.