Join devotees and students from all over the globe as we celebrate our beloved Sri Gurudev (Sri Swami Satchidananda), our tradition, and the many world faith traditions, during the annual Guru Poornima weekend, hosted by Yogaville Online from July 24 to July 25. This virtual celebration will include on Saturday: the Light Of Truth Universal Service (an interfaith worship service), an interfaith panel discussion, and evening satsang. On Sunday: join us for the re-dedication of the newly renovated Guru Bhavan (meditation hall) at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville.
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Looking for some inspiration? The Integral Yoga Etsy Shop has you covered! Our new "Inspiring Quotes" collection offers timeless wisdom for daily life with these simple yet beautiful t-shirt designs featuring Yoga's wisdom. Explore all of our Integral Yoga-inspired...