(Photo: Guru Poornima, Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville Connecticut, 1974.)

Guru Poornima is when, during the full moon in July, we celebrate the ancient tradition of guru-sishya (Guru-disciple). Since time immemorial, traditional knowledge and teachings have been passed down from one generation to another through sacred texts and teachings of the Gurus.

The global Integral Yoga organization celebrates our beloved Guru and founder, as well as spiritual luminaries of all faiths. Celebrating the unity within the diversity of the world faiths has always been a foundational part of Swami Satchidananda’s teachings and our Guru Poornima celebrations.

While it is nostalgic to think of the days when hundreds of Integral Yogis would gather at the Ashram and other Integral Yoga centers to celebrate this special occasion with all the “bells and whistles” of processions, kirtan, dance, inspirational readings and tributes, thankfully there are virtual celebrations to attend and private moments for reflection and expressions of gratitude.

A deep bow of gratitude to our beloved Gurudev! Jai!