The Freedom of Being Nobody

In this inspiring video, Ram Dass speaks about “The Freedom of Being Nobody.” After Skool is a YouTube channel with the goal of empowering the individual and delivering profound ideas through art. In this video, After Skool animates the words and wisdom as...

Only Consciousness

The question that scientists ask is how matter becomes conscious. The new idea is that everything has a “degree” of Consciousness. It’s called panpsychism. The conclusion of this way of thinking is that the universe is conscious. And this is considered to be...

Meditation: Ananda, the Peace That Passeth All Understanding

In this inspiring meditation, Rupert Spira (teacher of the “direct path,” a method of spiritual self-inquiry) uses the analogy of a person watching a movie in a cinema to explore the imperturbable nature of awareness. The peaceful presence of awareness, as...

Life & Teachings of Sri Shankaracharya

Sri Shankaracharya was the 8th century Indian philosopher/theologian who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. He also organized the Daśanāmi Saṃpradāya (the order of Swamis) of which the Integral Yoga lineage is a part. Swami Sarvapriyananda (spiritual...

How Responsible Are You for Your Actions?

Those who are realized beings, who have become enlightened, always must act responsibly. But, their only responsibility is to allow things to happen to them because they realize they are instruments of the Divine. As such, they are no longer creating any new karma....

Just Be As You Are

I often quote Avvaiyar, a very great saintly female poet from South India. She was clever with her use of words and never wasted any. Just a few words were enough to give you a great message. Somebody asked her, “How can I arrive at my home?” or in other words, “How...