You have to be strong to face things. Going into seclusion, or into a protected environment, helps you make yourself strong. You don’t need to be afraid of this always. Once you build up physical and mental stamina you don’t have to be afraid of anything. Nothing can...
Dr. Pranayama to the Rescue!
Over many years, Swami Satchidananda made recommendations for keeping our bodies strong, our minds calm, and our hearts open, which all apply especially in this age of the Coronavirus or what I like to call: the “Karuna”-virus. Karuna is the Sanskrit for “compassion.”...
The Interconnectedness of Life: Yogic Perspective on a Virus Gone Global
Right now, all of us are whirling through space on this tiny ball we call Earth. It is our common home. With each spin, we mark a day. With each revolution around the sun, we all add a year to our lives. On this fragile ball—a mere speck in the inconceivable vastness...
Fear Kills Us More
When your body is sick it needs the help of a strong mind to repair it. Your fear worsens the situation; fear makes the body weaker. Fear is not in the body. Fear is in your mind. When you don’t accept what is happening in the body, and when you identify yourself as...
Dr. Dean Ornish Featured in Amazon Prime Video Series
Dean Ornish, MD—lifestyle medicine doctor and Integral Yogi, is featured in the new Amazon show "Love, Gianna." In this new series, actress Gianna Simone explores the benefits of Veganism as she interviews world-renowned doctors and experts in the field of plant-based...
Hope is the Best Medicine
There is a village proverb in South India: “It doesn’t matter who pounds the rice; as long as I get the rice, it’s fine.” I think this also could be the motto for health and wellness providers. It doesn’t matter what approach you take, what “pathy” you use: allopathy,...
The Yoga M.D.
Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan is a holistic and Yoga medical doctor with a family practice in Yogaville. She is a pioneer in the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, having founded America’s first holistic health center in Connecticut in 1976. Personal physician...
Yoga-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Based on his personal experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic attacks and anxiety, Boris Bhagavan Pisman, MS, NCC, developed a Yoga-based approach to recovery. In this interview, he talks about his journey and how he integrates the best of Yoga...
Healthcare vs. Sick Care: Dr. Dean Ornish Discusses His Latest Groundbreaking Research
Recently, Dr. Dean Ornish, a senior student of Swami Satchidananda and a pioneer in lifestyle medicine, was interviewed by plant-based diet guru John Robbins as part of the 2019 Food Revolution Summit sponsored by the Food Revolution Network. Here is a transcript of...
Saving My Neck: A Doctor’s East/West Journey through Cancer
In this interview, Timothy McCall, MD (author of Yoga as Medicine), talks about his new book: Saving My Neck, which is a deeply personal and inspiring memoir of his healing journey during which he integrated the best of western and eastern medicine. Nina: Your new...
Your Mind: Learn to Just Watch the Show
Someone asked me the following: "Sometimes I see visions of departed souls. I don’t understand this. Can you explain it?” Yes, the mind can do anything. It creates images and can foresee things. The mental capacity for that is there. Recently, I read some articles...
How to Change an Unhelpful Habit
We have a lot of desires, a lot of selfishness. Yet, we also understand, that if we become selfless, we become happy. You might ask, “What can I do if I can’t get rid of my unyogic desires?” You have to analyze your motives. Over what actions are you selfish? And by...
Kris Carr: My Yoga & Wellness Journey
In 2003, actress and photographer Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare and incurable stage four cancer. When the doctors told her that there was no medical treatment options, Kris began filming her story. Her healing path included Yoga, meditation, detox regimens and...
Applying Yoga Therapy in Healthcare
Abstract: Yoga Therapy is the adaptation of the Yoga practices for patients with various chronic dis-eases. Yoga is a stepwise practice for self-realization. During the practice a person also develops some health benefits, which can be used as adjuvant therapy for...
The Heart of Healing
I am honored to pay tribute to Sri Swami Satchidananda (Gurudev), an extraordinary spiritual teacher who we have had the blessing of knowing. I want to talk a little bit about the work that my colleagues and I have been doing as a manifestation of the vision that I...