Yoga as “Lifestyle Medicine”

I first came across the teachings of Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev) in a transcript from a talk he gave in which he said, “We have a natural state of ease and when we lose it we get disease.” I was in medical school at the time, and nobody was really addressing the...

Yoga Teachers are Essential Workers

Jamie took a noisy breath through her sequined mask. As we finished our pranayama, Yoga breathing practices, the elastic slipped off her ear. She deftly adjusted her mask, giggled, and settled back into her deep breathing practice. The late morning spring sun warmed...

A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research

Dr. Jeffery Dusek, Kripalu’s Chief Research Officer, Leads New Studies on the Power of Mind/Body Practices Jeffery Dusek was in high school when he had his first experience of how the breath can powerfully impact the body and the mind. “Growing up, I was a hockey...