A majority of U.S. adults experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which are potentially traumatic events taking place before the age of 18. These include forms of abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, community violence, and discrimination. Studies have...
Yoga as “Lifestyle Medicine”
I first came across the teachings of Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev) in a transcript from a talk he gave in which he said, “We have a natural state of ease and when we lose it we get disease.” I was in medical school at the time, and nobody was really addressing the...
Yoga Teachers are Essential Workers
Yoga teachers and therapists offer vital service to those effected by post-COVID syndrome. Our unique skill set in breath work is an effective and safe complement to western medicine that will improve both physical functioning and well-being
A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research
Dr. Jeffery Dusek, Kripalu’s Chief Research Officer, Leads New Studies on the Power of Mind/Body Practices Jeffery Dusek was in high school when he had his first experience of how the breath can powerfully impact the body and the mind. “Growing up, I was a hockey...