Yoga is Self-Realization

In the Yoga Sutras, we learn that the practice of Yoga is aimed at addressing the fluctuations or disturbances in the mind (chitta vritti) so we may experience our natural state of peace and joy. Some misunderstand this and think “Yoga chitta vritti” means...

Finding Our Steadiness

It seems that life has taken us all to a surreal place. Initially, when changes happen in our lives, it takes a little time to adjust. Some become fearful, stressed and panicked, others want to help as much as they can. Time and understanding will help us adjust. In...

Seven Spiritual Practices to Reduce Seasonal Affective Disorder

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is over, which means the days will soon get darker and our energy will start to plummet. The thing is, it doesn’t necessarily have to go that way yet again this winter. We may be able to salvage some of that summer feeling through...