Foundations of Integral Yoga Therapy – Online

A  special training for Yoga teachers and health professionals seeking to understand and put the foundations of Integral Yoga Therapy into their professional practices. This IAYT-certified program will run from November 9 to December 21, 2021 and be held online. Dive...

Yoga Understands the Brilliant Function of Pain

Yoga understands the brilliant function of pain. One difference between Yoga and Western medicine is the perspective on pain and suffering. In the hospital, pain is the adversary, and the treatments are there to “kill” it. They often prescribe “pain killers”...

Moving Toward Expansion, Integration and Freedom

Much has changed in the United States—and the world—since Integral Yoga started to put together its Yoga Therapy certification program. Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville (Integral Yoga’s headquarters) is located close to Charlottesville, Virginia, where in 2018, “Unite...