Raja Yoga Teaching of the Month: Tapas

In this monthly series on the Yamas and Niyamas, Swami Karunananda offers wisdom and reflections on applying these foundational principles of Yoga in daily life. This month’s focus is on Tapas, austerity. Sutra 2.43:  “By austerity, impurities of body and senses are...

Raja Yoga Teaching of the Month: Brahmacharya

In this monthly series on the Yamas and Niyamas, Swami Karunananda offers wisdom and reflections on applying these foundational principles of Yoga in daily life. This month’s focus is on Brahmacharya, moderation. Sutra 2.38: By one established in continence,...

Raja Yoga Teaching of the Month: Asteya

In this monthly series on the Yamas and Niyamas, Swami Karunananda offers wisdom and reflections on applying these foundational principles of Yoga in daily life. This month’s focus is on Asteya, non-stealing. Sutra 2.37: To one established in non-stealing, all...

Raja Yoga Teaching of the Month: Satya

In this monthly series on the Yamas and Niyamas, Swami Karunananda offers wisdom and reflections on applying these foundational principles of Yoga in daily life. This month’s teaching is on Satya, truthfulness. Sutra 2.36: To one established in truthfulness,...