Sample from the Spring 2007 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Gerry Shishin Wick, PhD and Ilia Shinko Perez By Padma Wick Padma Wick, an Integral Yoga teacher and Zen practitioner, interviews Shishin Roshi and Shinko Sensei about their new book, The...
Sample from the Fall 2009 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine. Spirituality and Culture in Higher Education An Interview with Elizabeth Tisdell, EdD Dr. Elizabeth Tisdell, is a former campus minister, and currently a Professor of Adult Education at Penn State Harrisburg....
An Interview with Elizabeth Tisdell, EdD Dr. Elizabeth Tisdell, is a former campus minister, and currently a Professor of Adult Education at Penn State Harrisburg. She teaches a course that explores spirituality in adult and higher education. In this interview, she...
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