Book: Teaching Events — How the Guru Dismantled My Illusions

How many times and how much do we invest in holding up the veils that obscure the truth and the opportunities for enlightenment? A Guru can aid a student in navigating the path, gaining mastery over the obstacles, cracking open the egg shell, and reaching the summit....

Me and the Clouds: Meeting My Teacher

In the summer of 1969, I lay in a field in Franconia, New Hampshire as I looked up at the soft clouds in the sky, with a deep awareness that I felt a separation between myself and the clouds. The feeling was very real and must have reflected my deep yearning for...

Facing Tests

There are continuous, constant tests on a spiritual path. A person who wants to get a degree is given tests. Those who are not interested in learning, do not need to be tested. Teachers will not even want to give a test to a person who doesn’t want to learn. And, the...