The Yoga of No Escape

There were times during this winter when I went deep into the woods to escape my problems. Sometimes I would escape, or think I did, but usually what I found is that the only real conflict is inside myself. When December arrived the days squeezed short until even the...

Obstacles ARE the Path

In Episode 12 of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast, our two yogis discuss the 5 kleshas (obstacles presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). In a deep and encouraging way, they share how we can work with these and other challenges more skillfully, that...

What Losing 3.2 Million Dollars Will Teach You About Life

The day I became truly rich was the day the millions of dollars I held on to so tightly were gone. Sounds crazy, right? Don’t get me wrong—if someone handed me a check for millions today, I would gladly take it. The difference is, today I would know what to do with...