Let the Light Within You Be Revealed

We say that a person is a good person if they have good thoughts and ideas—the kind that will bring benefit to humanity. We say a person is not good if the thoughts in their mind are selfish and are of a bad quality. A person may look very beautiful or handsome and...

Seva – Dedication and Devotion in Action

The saints and sages of many faiths are dynamic examples of how spiritual awakening is accompanied by a natural impulse to serve humanity. After experiencing the interconnection of all of life, many of these great beings were moved by a profound compassion to dedicate...

The Eye of the Self

One can appreciate Yoga, and be a yogi, without disturbing one’s own faith. There are Yoga centers all over the world. Often, students begin with Hatha Yoga, the physical side. Gradually, when they understand the true essence of Yoga, they want to go more deeply into...

Raise Yourself to a Divine Level

As human beings, we have beautiful clothes, nice cars, and we are very fond of many things. We think we are so great, but much of what we do is also done by many animals. They eat when they’re hungry and they have nice houses in which to live. Are your houses as nice...

Yoga Takes Care of Body and Mind

In the name of Yoga our goal is to keep the mind peaceful and food not only plays an important part in the health of the body, but it plays a very important part in the condition of the mind. So, you have to be very careful about what you are eating. To understand...