The Psychology of the Yoga Sutras

Sample from the Winter 2007 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine By Stephen Cope, M.S.W. According to psychotherapist and senior Kripalu Yoga teacher Stephen Cope, the mind is profoundly undervalued in our American Yoga tradition. Cope’s view is that the yogis of yore saw...

Yoga, Psychology and Nondualism

An Interview with Richard Miller, PhD Richard Miller’s deep integration of Yoga and western psychotherapy offer a unique glimpse into the process of emotional healing. Dr. Miller describes emotional wellness as, “Our ability to welcome everything, reject nothing and...

Emotional Regulation in the Yoga Sutras

Sample from the Summer 2009 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine. Emotional Regulation in the Yoga Sutras By Richard Panico, MD Although Yoga is formally a system of liberation, it can be employed to teach skills of emotional regulation. Dr. Panico bridges the gap between...