Mantra Meditation

Sample from the Spring 2011 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine. Mantra Meditation An Interview with Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) According to Dr. Frawley, mantra is perhaps the main method of the Yoga of technique. He regards mantras as asanas for the...

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Who Am I? A Guided Meditation

Who Am I? A Guided Meditation

Sri Swami Satchidananda recorded a self-inquiry process that he recommended as a meditation technique. Here is the process he gave: One wonderful meditation technique is self-analysis. It’s a process that leads you to identify with the inner Self, the Knower, rather...

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Cultivating Japa as a Relationship

Cultivating Japa as a Relationship

In this interview, Prentiss Alter explains that japa (chanting or silent repetition of a mantra) essentially is a relationship. He explains four components of alignment that help guide the practitioner into relationship, communication and connection. That’s why, even...

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The Power of Meditation

The Power of Meditation

There is a pretty Indian fable to the effect that if it rains when the star Svati is in the ascendant, and a drop of rain falls into an oyster, that drop becomes a pearl. The oysters know this, so they come to the surface when that star shines, and wait to catch the...

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Meditation for Self-Mastery

Meditation for Self-Mastery

Meditation starts with concentration. Meditation actually begins when the mind is well-focused and it learns to become totally still. When the mind becomes completely still it seems to be losing itself. That is what you call transcending the mental state. All...

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The Best Method of Meditation?

The Best Method of Meditation?

Students often ask me if there is one method of meditation that is the best. There is no one particular way of meditation. Meditation is the same process for all of us, no matter what technique we use. It is only the object or idea for meditation which may vary...

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Tratak: Meditation on a Form or Yantra

Tratak: Meditation on a Form or Yantra

The mind can be steadied by practicing repeated  concentration and meditation on a visual form. The particular form can differ according to the individual's temperament and taste. Some examples are: the steady flame of a candle, a picture of a beloved saint or...

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How to Meditate

How to Meditate

Whenever you feel in a peaceful state of mind, meditate. Just close your eyes and relax, even if it's only for a minute. If you wish to deepen your meditation, then schedule some time daily for this practice. From the physical to the mental to the spiritual Meditation...

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How to Meditate with a Mantra

How to Meditate with a Mantra

Japa, the practice of repetition of a mantra, focuses the mind, makes it one-pointed and leads it into meditation. In this calm state, the powerful forces which are stored up in the unconscious get released and raised up to the conscious or subconscious level. The...

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Ajapa-Japa Practice

Ajapa-Japa Practice

In this article, Swami Satchidananda explains the science behind the relationship between sound vibrations and prana (subtle energy). He teaches the practice of ajapa-japa—concentration upon the natural sound of the  breath which continually repeats the mantras Soham...

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Jnana Yoga: The Path of Wisdom

Jnana Yoga: The Path of Wisdom

Jnana Yoga is the path of wisdom. It is suitable for people of an intellectual nature. A Jnani Yogi acts with the feeling, “I am not the doer; Nature is doing everything. The body and mind are moving among the objects. I am the silent witness of all that is happening....

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Mantra Japa: One Practice Is All You Need

Mantra Japa: One Practice Is All You Need

In the Yoga Sutras, Sri Patanjali Maharishi lists nine obstacles, which cover a range of physical, mental, and spiritual problems. They are: disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, false perception, failure to reach firm ground, and slipping from...

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