Sample from the Spring 2011 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine. Mantra Meditation An Interview with Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) According to Dr. Frawley, mantra is perhaps the main method of the Yoga of technique. He regards mantras as asanas for the...
Kirtan: Singing to the Inner Vastness of the Heart
Sample from the Winter 2009 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Jai Uttal Jai Uttal is a pioneer in the world music community. His eclectic east meets west sound has put his music at the forefront of the world fusion movement. Jai’s musical roots embrace...
The Vibrational Science of Mantra
Sample from the Winter 2009 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Jonathan Goldman An internationally acknowledged master teacher, Jonathan Goldman has studied with masters of sound from both the scientific and spiritual traditions, including the Dalai...
Cultivating Japa as a Relationship
In this interview, Prentiss Alter explains that japa (chanting or silent repetition of a mantra) essentially is a relationship. He explains four components of alignment that help guide the practitioner into relationship, communication and connection. That’s why, even...
The Best Method of Meditation?
Students often ask me if there is one method of meditation that is the best. There is no one particular way of meditation. Meditation is the same process for all of us, no matter what technique we use. It is only the object or idea for meditation which may vary...
How to Meditate with a Mantra
Japa, the practice of repetition of a mantra, focuses the mind, makes it one-pointed and leads it into meditation. In this calm state, the powerful forces which are stored up in the unconscious get released and raised up to the conscious or subconscious level. The...
Ajapa-Japa Practice
In this article, Swami Satchidananda explains the science behind the relationship between sound vibrations and prana (subtle energy). He teaches the practice of ajapa-japa—concentration upon the natural sound of the breath which continually repeats the mantras Soham...
Mantra Japa: One Practice Is All You Need
In the Yoga Sutras, Sri Patanjali Maharishi lists nine obstacles, which cover a range of physical, mental, and spiritual problems. They are: disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, false perception, failure to reach firm ground, and slipping from...
Mantra Yoga
The goal of all spiritual paths is the same—to realize the Universal Spirit. This Spirit, which is referred to by various names, is all-pervading. Essentially, we are that Spirit. Yet, we do not experience it because of the limitations of our body, mind, and ego. One...
The Sonic Technology of Yoga
Largely unknown in the West, yet developing alongside Hatha Yoga, Nada Yoga is a 2000-year-old spiritual system. The Yoga of Sound, Russill Paul’s comprehensive book on the subject of Nada Yoga, makes this ancient and mystical science accessible to all. In this...
Listening to the Sound Within
Nada Yoga is the Yoga of sound and it includes practices using sound formulas and mantras. Mantra repetition itself is a Nada Yoga practice. Through repeating the mantra, you gradually develop that sound vibration within. After practicing for a long time, you will be...