A Passion for Change

In his annual Christmas/New Year’s letter, Benedictine monk and interfaith activist Br. David Steindl-Rast offers us a message of hope for 2020. Isn’t Hope the annual theme at this season, when we light candles in the darkness and hope for a happy new year? But...

Heeding the Call Toward a Unifying Spirit of Peace and Harmony

In youth, my earliest spiritual urges came in the form of Roman Catholic community. I was in awe of the church structures, the architecture, the liturgy, the mystery. I served as an altar boy and had imaginings of becoming a priest. I was pious and sincere. Yet,...

Light Of Truth Universal Shrine: Virtual Tours

The Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS) was founded by Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga founder) and is dedicated to the Light of all faiths and to world peace. It is the first interfaith shrine to include altars for all faiths known and yet unknown. People...

Faith and the Crystal Clear Mind

In children, the mind is pure. It is the world that goes in and contaminates our mind, otherwise, the mind is always plain and pure, like a crystal. No mind is bad, no mind is dirty; it’s always crystal clear. But it is the proximity of the mind to other things that...