Q & A with Swami Satchidananda on Finding Contentment

Question: I’m basically happy and peaceful but feel that something is missing. How can I find the missing part? Swami Satchidananda: If you are basically happy and in peace, what can be missing? It’s a sort of contradiction. If you are basically happy and in peace,...

Integrating the Yoga Pathways of Meditation & Devotion

Our whole experience of life is based on the stories we tell ourselves about what occurs. These stories begin with our mind’s interpretation of what it perceives. Swami Vivekananda describes this like an oyster making a pearl. A parasite gets inside the shell, and...

Yoga is Union

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that comes from the root, “yuj” which means “to join together.”  Simply put, Yoga means “union.” In many ways the term Yoga is similar to the English term, “communion.” It refers to the state of union or communion with God, one’s true Self, or...