Prescription for Health

Prescription for Health

Most of the diseases take their origin in over-eating, sexual excess and outbursts of anger and hatred. If the mind is kept cool and calm at all times, you will have wonderful health, strength and vitality. Energy is depleted by fits of anger. The cells and tissues...

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Bhakti Yoga: Cultivating Faith

Bhakti Yoga: Cultivating Faith

The differences in views and opinions in matters like politics and economics are understandable. But, such differences of opinion and approach exist in the spiritual field also, even though the seekers have one common end as their aim, the realization of the Supreme...

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This is Bhakti

This is Bhakti

The great sage of the Himalayas and founder of the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, Sri Swami Sivananda, gives a beautiful overview of all aspects of Bhakti Yoga. The term Bhakti comes from the root Bhaj, which means “to be attached to God.” Bhajan, worship, Bhakti,...

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