Swami Satchidananda 110th Jayanthi Celebration: December 21 – 22, 2024

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Join Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville for the Jayanthi (birth anniversary) Celebration of our beloved founder, Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidanandaji! This year we will celebrate Jayanthi on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Born in South India on December 22, 1914 Sri Gurudev entered Mahasamadhi on August 19, 2002.

We will celebrate the auspicious occasion of Sri Gurudev’s 110th Birth Anniversary with a morning worship service and an evening program of offerings from his devotees. All are welcome to attend as we express our gratitude for Sri Gurudev’s continued spiritual presence and blessings in our lives.

Saturday Schedule
  • 10:30 am: Puja and Program in SSH at followed by festive meal (complimentary for those who attend the program)
  • 4:00 pm: Guru Gita in Guru Bhavan
  • 7:30 pm: Jai Gurudev Program
Sunday Schedule
  • 9:30 am: Special Puja in Chidambaram
  • 11:00 am: Blessing of LOTUS
  • 4:00 pm: Darshan at Ananda Kutir (sign up prior in SH lobby)

For those unable to attend in person, please join us for parts of the celebrations via our new Vimeo livestream.

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