U.S. News & World Report recently ranked 39 diets based on input from a panel of health experts and declared The Ornish Diet #1 in healthy heart diets and #9 for best diet overall! The Ornish Diet was created in 1977 by Dr. Dean Ornish who noted: “Swami Satchidananda’s teachings form the basis of the Lifestyle Medicine program I developed.” The goal of the Ornish Diet is to help people “feel better, live longer, lose weight and gain health.” But it’s not just a diet: It also emphasizes Yoga, meditation, stress management and the importance of healthy relationships. Read an interview from our archive in which Dr. Ornish discusses his latest groundbreaking research.
Breath, Body and Brain Aligned
While Sri Patanjali and other classical Yoga sources have known this for several thousand years, recent medical research highlights the profound connection between breath, body, and mind, emphasizing breathwork as a tool for emotional regulation and stress relief....