Integral Yoga Publications is pleased to announce the release of a series of books by Swami Satchidananda that are part of the beloved Peter Max Art Cover Series of Pocket Books! Among these new eBook titles: The Secret to Prosperity, The Be-Attitudes, The Guru Within, and The Woodstock Guru. These giftbooks in paperback or as eBooks are great holiday gifts! Stay tuned as several more titles will be released soon as well as the Audible version of Swami Satchidananda’s book To Know Your Self !
NEW in the Integral Yoga Etsy Shop!
Looking for some inspiration? The Integral Yoga Etsy Shop has you covered! Our new "Inspiring Quotes" collection offers timeless wisdom for daily life with these simple yet beautiful t-shirt designs featuring Yoga's wisdom. Explore all of our Integral Yoga-inspired...