Healing from the Pain that Binds

Featured Health with Yoga, Yoga Psychology

Born and raised in West Africa, Oyámie Kali Ma’at spent most of her childhood in community gatherings of musicians, drummers, and dancers. Listening and dancing to music became a foundation for her life. In addition to living and serving in Yogaville, Oyámie is also a gifted psychospiritual healing coach. In this conversation with Avi Gordon, they discuss the practice of silence, the love that comes from facing pain, and more.
Watch the interview.
Quotes from the Interview:
o “I started my journey because I read someone’s story, and their story inspired me to take action. So I know that there’s someone out there who’s waiting to hear my story, so that they too can get motivated and be inspired to take a journey and take charge of their own life.”
o “I think meditation is a practice that every single human being does on a daily basis but we don’t realize that we’re doing it.”
o “For me it boils down to, if you to come across such an individual [who doesn’t have the money to pay a lot for services or classes] how are you going to take your gift, that has been bestowed upon you by the Divine, to be of service to others, whether they have the money or not.” 
o “Part of the resistance [in peoples’ minds] is not wanting to feel the pain but if you allow yourself to feel the pain, in the process of allowing there’s something that happens to that pain—that pain gets turned into love, and it’s not the type of love that’s like “I love my partner” or “i love my parents” or “I love my community”, it’s like this deep gut feeling that reverberates through your whole entire system and is just like… there’s nothing in this world that can take that away, and that’s the truth.”
About Oyámie Kali Ma’at:
Oyámie is a Body-Oriented Psychospiritual Healing Coach. She is the founder and creator of Somatic Activation Release Response (SARR), Embodied Wisdom of Sensuality, and Body Liberation Dance. Since 2014, Oyámie has dedicated herself to practicing Yoga, meditation, breath-work, attuning, and looking to nature for guidance. Through developing mind-body awareness, studying body-oriented psychotherapy and somatic healing, she developed a body base modality that is accessible to all. https://bodyorientedhealing.com/ Born and raised in West Africa, Oyámie Kali Ma’at spent most of her childhood in community gatherings of musicians, drummers, and dancers. Listening and dancing to music became a foundation for her life. Since 2016, she has studied and trained in Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE), Somatic Stress Release, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Brain Science, Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, Therapeutic Yoga, and Somatic Experiencing and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. She has also completed over 500+ hours of Yoga Teacher Training.

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