Why Yoga Works for All Bodies

By Shakti Bell I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) over seventeen years ago. I was fortunate to discover Hatha Yoga soon after—when my body demanded attention and was no longer something I could take for granted. I started to learn the virtues of taking...

The Brilliant Function of Pain

By Swami Vidyananda   Pain gets a bad rap in our culture. Actually, pain has many positive functions, one of which is to say, “Stop here. Don’t go beyond this point. This is the point where you are going to hurt yourself.” Pain also tells us that we have an...

How Yogis Succeed in Relationships

By Catherine Ghosh When we allow love to transform us through Yoga, the first thing it begins to affect is our vision and thus our relationships. In this article, Catherine Ghosh reflects on the ingredients needed for success in relationships. Essentially, Yoga is a...

Success: Failure is the Stepping Stone

By Swami Asokananda Swami Asokananda, a monk since 1973, is one of Integral Yoga’s foremost teachers, known for his warmth, intelligence, and good humor. His teaching comes out of his own practice and experience, having absorbed, from a young age, the wisdom of his...

Manifesting Divine Consciousness in Daily Life

An Interview with Brother Chidananda Manifesting Divine Consciousness in Daily Life is a new book by Sri Mrinalini Mata, president of the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF). In this interview, Brother Chidananda, a long time SRF monk who works alongside Mataji,...