Sample from the Fall 2007 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine By Jean Dunn Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is considered one of the twentieth century’s great Jnana Yogis. He was regarded as a Jivanmukta (living liberated soul) and as such, he was surrounded by many sincere...
Be As You Are—The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
Sample from the Fall 2007 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with David Godman David Godman (his family’s actual surname) read a book in 1974 about the great sage and jnani, Sri Ramana Maharshi, and two years later traveled to his ashram in India. Since...
Yoga Vedanta
Sample from the Fall 2007 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri), a regular contributor to Integral Yoga Magazine, is one of the few westerners recognized in India as a...
Around the Globe with Integral Yoga: San Francisco
Sample from the Winter 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine Around the Globe with Integral Yoga: San Francisco The First Accessible Integral Yoga Teacher Training Program An Interview with Rev. Jivana Heyman The Integral Yoga ® Institute of San Francisco launched a...
The Yoga of Divine Emotions
Sample from the Winter 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with David L. Haberman, Ph.D. Dr. David Haberman is an expert in Indic studies, and he credits Sri Gurudev as being one of the inspirations for his fascination with India. Even though Dr....
The Yoga of Nine Emotions
Sample from the Winter 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Peter Marchand Author and teacher Peter Marchand gives us an overview of Rasa Sadhana, an ancient practice of gaining mastery over the emotions that originated in India and that he learned...
The Integral Yoga Approach to Balancing the Emotions
Sample from the Winter 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Swami Vidyananda Swami Vidyananda’s workshops on Yoga and the emotions explore Integral Yoga techniques that bring greater harmony within oneself and to one’s relationships. These workshops...
Dr Dean Ornish: Yoga and Medicine
Sample from the Spring 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine In the early 1970s, Dean Ornish was a medical student who was stressed out, depressed, suffering from mononucleosis and about to make a really bad decision. Then, he had a life-altering encounter. In a newly...
Prison Yoga: We’re All Doing Time
Sample from the Spring 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Bo Lozoff Bo and Sita Lozoff founded, with Ram Dass, the largest prison interfaith ministry in the world. It is now in 60 countries with 50,000 prisoners on the mailing list. Bo’s book,...
Really Living Yoga
Sample from the Spring 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine By Swami Karunananda When I think of what it means to really live Yoga, I recall a very special visit in late December, about thirty years ago. I was serving as director of the San Francisco IYI, and Sri...
Beyond Asana
Sample from the Spring 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Sri Dharma Mittra In 1984, Sri Dharma Mittra completed the now famous “Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures,” an offering to his Guru, Sri Swami Kailashananda, that can be found hanging in many...
The Breath of Bhakti
Sample from the Summer 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine By Catherine Ghosh Ancient sages inform us that breath is the mirror of our ever flowing emotions. It reflects the way we each perceive and process external stimuli, and how we position our consciousness in...
“Crazy Sexy Cancer” Survivor
Sample from the Summer 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine “Crazy Sexy Cancer” Survivor An Interview with Kris Carr In 2003, 31-year-old actress and photographer Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare and incurable stage four cancer. When the doctors told her that there...
The Dark Night of the Soul
Sample from the Summer 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Mirabai Starr Since the passing of her daughter, Jenny, in 2001, Mirabai has dedicated her time to working with other people who are interested in using their experiences of grief and loss...
Yoga, Grief Recovery and Hospice Care
Sample from the Summer 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Molly Lannon Kenny, MS-CCC Molly Lannon Kenny has developed classes, workshops and training programs in supporting illness, disease and life challenges in a holistic manner that encourages...
Healing Through Inner Medicine
Sample from the Fall 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine. An Interview with Swamini Mayatitananda Through her relationship with cancer, Swamini Mayatitanandaji (formerly known as Maya Tiwari) discovered that profound results could be achieved from intensive inner...