Swami Divyananda Ma, E-RYT 500 (Integral Yoga Master Teacher Trainer) will teach this 200-hour Integral Yoga Teacher Training (April 14 – May 12, 2024) at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville. Trainees will gain a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development, a...
Dr. Graham Schweig’s new book, Bhagavad Gītā Concordance: A Comprehensive Word Reference with English and Sanskrit Indexes is a masterpiece by one of the leading modern-day scholars of the Gita. Not only does Dr. Schweig present the first comprehensive and...
This shloka is a Shanti mantra from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and Ishavasya Upanishad. This is an innocuous looking verse: one noun, two pronouns, three verbs and a participle for emphasis. Yet, someone once said: “Let all the Upanishads disappear from the face of the...
On Jan. 6, 2024, after some time at the Acute Care Center at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, Virginia, our dear brother Swami Murugananda has passed into the Divine Light, embraced by the eternal love of his beloved Sri Gurudev Swami...
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