Integral Yoga teacher Zac Parker leads a short guided meditation utilizing the mantra Om. This mantra is considered to be the primordial sound of the universe, representing the essence of existence and the ultimate Reality. When meditating on Om, practitioners feel...
Lara Kohn Thompson, LMT, E-RYT 500, RPYT and Beth Donnelly Cabán, RN, E-RYT 500 will conduct a hybrid Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training from May 3 – June 2, 2024, hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of New York. This training prepares Yoga teachers to teach classes in...
Join Swami Divyananda for a 21-day meditation challenge, noon – 1 PM (ET) daily from March 3 – March 24, 2024. Starting with ten minutes, the sessions of meditation will gradually increase to one full hour. On each day except the last one, insights, guidance and...
Are you interested in learning how to grow organic vegetables? We want you to come play in the dirt and help us grow the yummy food that we get to eat here at Yogaville! When you join the Ashram Yogi Farm Program you will learn the art of organic farming, including...
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