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10 Years ago: Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace

It was ten years ago, Saturday, June 7, 2014, to be precise that the "Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace Celebrating the Centennial Birth Year of Sri Swami Satchidananda" was held at the magnificent Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City....

The Swami & The Rabbi: Jewish Mysticism Meets Integral Yoga

Hosted by the Integral Yoga Ministry and inspired by the annual "Swami & Rabbi" programs with Swami Satchidananda and Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, now Swami Ramananda, a senior monastic student of Swami Satchidananda, and Rabbi David Igber, a senior student of Reb...

Christian Mysticism Meets Integral Yoga

Everyone seeks happiness, but happiness seems never to be stable. Something always happens to disturb our happiness. Religions were born to show a path to happiness that never dies. The mystical aspect of most faiths are particularly focused on this quest. Integral...

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The Integral Yoga Ministry

The Integral Yoga Ministry

The Integral Yoga Ministry was inspired by Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidananda's example and motto: "The dedicated enjoy supreme peace, therefore live only to serve." Some of his students have chosen the path of sannyas or monasticism. The first of his American students...

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Yoga is Not Another Religion

Yoga is Not Another Religion

Yoga is not another religion or new philosophy to be added to the many that are there already. Instead, the teaching of Yoga is the essence of them all. What Moses gave us as the Ten Commandments, what the Buddhists call the Dasa Sila or Ten Virtuous Practices, and...

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Yoga and Buddhism’s Common Boundaries

Yoga and Buddhism’s Common Boundaries

What is the relationship between Yoga and Buddhism? Yoga is often perceived as being focused on the body and Buddhist teachings as emphasizing the study of the mind. In this article, (the late) Michael Stone addresses these issues, explores the connections between the...

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Yoga & Kabbalah: The Mystical Connection

Yoga & Kabbalah: The Mystical Connection

The wisdom of these ancient traditions share many common boundaries in their approach to enlightenment. In this article, Prahaladan Mandelkorn, a teacher of Yoga and Kabbalah, explores parallels between these two traditions. Swami Satchidananda and the White Stone In...

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Remember the Oneness

Remember the Oneness

Swami Satchidananda initiated the tradition of celebrating all the great spiritual teachers of every faith during each Guru Poornima celebration. In this same spirit, we include this essential teaching of his regarding the essential unity of all spiritual wisdom. Even...

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My Journey in Yoga and Zen

My Journey in Yoga and Zen

Padma Wick, one of Swami Satchidananda most senior students, reveals the innermost yearnings that took her deep into Zen Buddhism as part of her Integral Yoga path. In this article, she shares her journey through personal stories, conversations with Sri Gurudev, Swami...

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Torah and the Yoga Sutras

Torah and the Yoga Sutras

  In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says: “Tapah Svadhyayesvara Pranidhanani Kriyah Yogah.” Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidananda translates this as: “Accepting pain as help for purification, study of spiritual books, and surrender to the Supreme Being constitute Yoga in...

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A Journey in Yoga and Sufism

A Journey in Yoga and Sufism

Not only is Shaykh Ahmed Abdur Rashid a khalif, (authorized teacher) of five Sufi Orders, he once was known as Vasudevadas while he was following the path of Yoga. His spiritual seeking led him to India and to finding his Sufi teacher. In this interview he shares the...

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