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Healing, Karma, and Divine Grace: The Power of Prayer and Surrender

If you get divinely and miraculously healed, is this part of your karma? Yes. Miraculously you are healed. Maybe you deserved it. God helped you to heal. You have done some good karma to receive that kind of healing energy. But if you haven't healed and if you want to...

Life’s Pendulum: Balance Amid Change

When you watch the thoughts passing through your mind by being the witness rather than getting caught up in them, is this the same as what is meant by the expression, “Offering it up to God?” Yes, you can look at it in this way. One approach is what we can call the...

Walking with Faith

"When we walk with faith we're never alone. We trust there's a Higher Power always with us." In this satsang talk, presented by Integral Yoga TV, Swami Karunananda, senior monk and teacher trainer, speaks on the subject of faith. She also shares amazing stories from...

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Attuning to Grace

Attuning to Grace

I once visited a home where there was a young baby. I was talking to the family and the mother was busy somewhere in the kitchen. The baby was playing with its toys. After a while, the baby cried a little and started putting things in its mouth, thinking that by...

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This is Bhakti

This is Bhakti

The great sage of the Himalayas and founder of the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, Sri Swami Sivananda, gives a beautiful overview of all aspects of Bhakti Yoga. The term Bhakti comes from the root Bhaj, which means “to be attached to God.” Bhajan, worship, Bhakti,...

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Hints for Daily Practice of Bhakti Yoga

Hints for Daily Practice of Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is the path of love and devotion. Bhakti Yogis look upon everyone and everything as a manifestation of the divine and feel that in serving them, they are serving God. They accept all that happens in life as coming directly from God for their highest good....

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The Yoga of Abandonment to the Divine

The Yoga of Abandonment to the Divine

God wants proof that you are totally surrendering yourself. Tests will come. If you fail the tests, then your surrender is not complete. If your surrender is complete, no matter what test comes, you will pass it. Once you pass the tests, you don't have to worry about...

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The Breath of Bhakti

The Breath of Bhakti

Ancient sages inform us that breath is the mirror of our ever flowing emotions. It reflects the way we each perceive and process external stimuli, and how we position our consciousness in relation to it. Because breathing is so intimately interwoven with our mental...

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Bhakti Yoga: Sincerity in Seeking

Bhakti Yoga: Sincerity in Seeking

The sincerity in seeking comes only when you know that you have a limited capacity. It's only when you say, “I can't do it anymore, please help me,” that the help comes. You then link yourself with an unlimited capacity. Sometimes God acts like a hard-hearted person....

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Bhakti Yoga: Cultivating Faith

Bhakti Yoga: Cultivating Faith

The differences in views and opinions in matters like politics and economics are understandable. But, such differences of opinion and approach exist in the spiritual field also, even though the seekers have one common end as their aim, the realization of the Supreme...

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