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Booklet: “Hymn of the 108 Holy Names”
Reciting praises of 108 or even 1000 Holy Names dedicated to God or great sages is a time-honored tradition. Each and every manifestation of Brahman is thus given a series of Holy Names. This garland of 108 Holy Names, compiled and translated by Swami Yogananda...
The Inner Guru
In this short video "The Inner Guru" from 1998 during Guru Poornima, Swami Satchidananda speaks about the true meaning of "Guru" and also about attuning oneself to the inner Guru. Using examples from his own Guru (Sri Swami Sivananda), the Bhagavad Gita and South...
Guru Poornima 2021
Guru Poornima is when, during the full moon in July, we celebrate the ancient tradition of guru-sishya (Guru-disciple). Since time immemorial, traditional knowledge and teachings have been passed down from one generation to another through sacred texts and teachings...
Golden Jubilee: Swami Yogananda’s 50th Sannyas Anniversary
During Guru Poornima in 2021, we specially honor Swami Yogananda Sarasvati, who was initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyasa fifty years ago in 1971 by his Guru, Sri Swami Satchidananda in Kandy, Sri Lanka. He was the first westerner to be initiated by Swami...
A Surgical Mission A Doctor Won’t Forget
My relationship with Swami Satchidananda began with meeting Dr. Sandra (Amrita) McLanahan, at a conference in Tarrytown, New York where she was one of the speakers. She was a student of the Swami, and she was young, energetic, and spoke of Yoga, spirituality, and...
Attuning to the Guru Within
Recently, someone was asking me about the connection to the Guru. Words are limited. Whatever “under-standing” I have on this matter comes from the experience of “standing-under” God’s Presence through Sri Gurudev Satchidananda’s loving guidance. Today I am far from...
Yoga & the Full Potential of the Mind – IY eMagazine 253
The Full Potential of Your Mind
We seem to do many things each day that create our problems. But, we can undo everything in a meditation practice. You just sit. You don’t need to do anything but = be aware of yourself. In meditation you are the witness that sits behind the body and mind. When you...
Happy 95th Birthday Brother David Steindl-Rast, OSB!
Br. David Steindl-Rast turned 95 on July 12th. 2021. A long time spiritual brother and collaborator with Swami Satchidananda as interfaith pioneers, Br. David is currently home in Europe—healthy and grateful. We are moved to celebrate the life of “this dancing...
Integral Yoga Hatha with Swami Asokananda
In this Integral Yoga Hatha Yoga class taught by master teacher Swami Asokananda, and hosted by Yoga Alliance, the focus is on meditative awareness and allowing time for the body to release more fully. It's about getting in touch with prana, the vital force, that lies...