Healing PTSD: A Yoga Teacher’s Story

When deadly floods and mudslides devastated communities across southwestern Japan in 2018, many survivors were afflicted with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They had lived through complete devastation and the loss of home, family, friends, and all sense of...

Integral Yoga as Therapy

In this article, Integral Yoga master teacher, Swami Vidyananda explains that Yoga practice can help us win many battles with illness and suffering. And while Hatha Yoga and pranayama are powerful therapeutic tools, on the level of the body, we will all ultimately...

Stress & Relaxation: A Yogic Approach

The Roots of Stress Stress is an exaggerated response to change in the external or internal environment. The centre of the neuroendocrine system is the hypothalamus that prods the adrenal glands into activity. These glands are known as the “3 F” glands to the...

Yoga at Work

Sample from the Fall 2003 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Chandra Sgammato IYM: What is Yoga at Work? CS: Yoga at Work is a program developed by the Integral Yoga Institute of New York by Jayadeva Mandelkorn in the early 1990s as a way to bring Yoga...

Dis-ease: Don’t Disturb Your Natural Ease

We have an expression, “He or she is fighting the flu or fighting cancer.” I don’t recommend fighting with disease. That creates more disease. Instead, understand the disease. Because disease is nothing but dis-ease, disturbed ease. You were at ease and that ease got...